Searching for how to live your well life?
Let’s work together to find balance in your body, improving your health & wellbeing.
A personalised plan working with Fluid Movement (Chi Kung), MELT Method, the Bowen Technique or a combination. Read on for more info, to book a class or message Carole to find out more.

The Bowen Technique
Are you:
- Living with long term pain and discomfort?
- Struggling to do the things you used to do?
- Uncomfortable, stiff and wobbly on your feet?
- Anxious, stressed and exhausted all the time?
- Feeling older than your years?
- Searching for a gentle hands-on support to help you find ‘Your Well Life’?
Fluid Chi Movement
(Chi Kung)
Are you:
- Fed up with exercise classes which your body can’t cope with?
- Fed up that you can’t do the things you used to do?
- Feeling older than your years and wobbly on your feet?
- Looking for simple movement you can remember and safely do at home, as well as in class.
- Wanting classes you will enjoy with like minded people?
- Searching for ways to relax and unwind?

MELT Method
Are you:
- Searching for ways to continue with exercise/sport/life which your body is struggling with?
- Constantly living with pain & discomfort?
- Struggling with your balance and walking?
- Appreciate the importance of regular maintenance for ’Your Well Life’
- Are you looking for ways to create positive changes for yourself!
Are you:
- Keen to create a realistic plan for your health & ‘Your Well Life’?
- Constantly living with pain & discomfort?
- Appreciate the importance of regular maintenance for ’Your Well Life’
- Wanting your own tools, creating change yourself!
- Already working with Carole, seeing positive changes and want to progress ‘Your Well Life’ ?

“Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”
About Your Well Life
Carole has spent the last 30 years searching for her ‘Well Life’. After many challenges, many losses and many wins, Carole has for herself and maybe for YOU, sorted the ‘wheat from the chaff’!
Get In Touch
[email protected]
07535 980007
(WhatsApp message or text, if not please leave a message, thank you)