The Bowen Technique

What do you need help with right now?

  • You’re dealing with a chronic/long-term pain and are struggling to feel better.
  • You feel older than your years, wobbly on your feet and generally poorly.
  • You are searching for gentle ways to support ‘Your Well Life’ as you get older and/or during a difficult time of feeling unwell.
  • You often find manipulation and hard pressure, too much for your body to cope with during and following a treatment.
  • You want to work with someone who can relate to how your feeling.
  • You’re struggling to find a hands-on technique that feels right for you.
  • You find yourself asking, if I am unable relax and enjoy the sessions, is it right to continue?

What is the Bowen Technique?

Bowen is a soft tissue remedial technique that involves the practitioner using fingers or thumbs to move over muscle, ligament, tendon and fascia in various parts of the body.
Even though there is no force or manipulation, it may be effective to help relieve everyday stresses and revitalise the whole person.

Bowen was developed in the 1950’s by the late Tom Bowen in Australia. He became a celebrated therapist. He invited Oswald Rentsch to study with him and in 1986 Oswald Rentsch and his wife Elaine began to teach the technique founding the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia.

Why would I choose Bowen Technique?

You may have found other methods have been too challenging for your body to cope with. The Bowen Technique is a gentle, non-invasive technique with no hard manipulation, which supports the body to find better balance.

You’ll quickly know if Bowen is for you! During over a decade of running her Bowen Clinic, Carole’s clients have seen within a small number of sessions if Bowen is for them, even when they are living with long-standing complaints, traumatic injury or chronic illness.

How may the Bowen Technique, help you?

Each Bowen session varies according to the particular problems of the client. By focusing on the lower and mid back and legs, the upper back, shoulders and the neck, a sense of wellbeing can be achieved, helping relaxation, aiding sleep – helping to remove everyday stress and anxiety that can make us feel under-par or prevent us functioning at our optimum.

Clients attending Carole’s Clinics often visit living with conditions such as:

  • Headache/Migraine
  • Neck Pain/Whiplash
  • Tinnitus/Ear Problems
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Hay Fever
  • Digestive & Bowel Conditions
  • Knee, Hamstring, Ankle & Foot Problems
  • Tennis/Golfers Elbow
  • Nausea & Infant Colic
  • Carpal Tunnel, RSI
  • Pregnancy & Fertility Problems
  • Kidney problems/IBS
  • Menstrual & Hormonal Problems
  • Back Pain/Sciatica
  • Joint & Muscle Problems
  • Sports & Accident Injuries
  • Depression
  • Stress management
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
  • Groin pain & pelvic tilt
  • Respiratory Conditions
  • Wellbeing/Re-alignment & Health
  • Stress & relaxation

Only by experiencing this incredible technique will you start to understand and believe the potential benefits for you!

Carole and the Bowen Technique

It was Carole’s horse who was very responsive to Bowen which led to Carole exploring it for herself. After qualifying as a Human and Canine Bowen Technique Practitioner and starting her practice, Carole’s appreciation and love of Bowen continues to deepen. Only by experiencing Bowen can you fully appreciate the incredible value of what this gentle, non-invasive soft tissue therapy may give you or your dog.

Carole Justice Gray is trained by Bowtech, part of the Bowen Therapy Academy’s worldwide teaching academy and regulating association. She qualified as a Human Bowen practitioner in 2008 then as a Canine Bowen Technique practitioner in 2009. She has a practice in Woodford Halse, Northamptonshire, close to Banbury (North Oxfordshire border) and travels all over the country and abroad working with dogs in her role as a Canine Bowen Technique teacher. She is the Chair of Canine Bowen Technique Association (CBTA) and a registered human practitioner with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and a member of the Bowen Association UK Carole is authorised to teach Canine Bowen Technique by EGCBT European Guild of Canine Bowen Therapists (See Carole’s canine website ).

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life”.

Jean Shinoda Bolen