About Carole

Carole is trained in MELT METHOD (level 4 instructor), Chi Kung, the work of Liz Koch, Buteyko and Bowen, she qualified as an Associate Practitioner of The Buteyko Institute Method and a Human Bowen practitioner in 2008 then as a Canine Bowen Technique Practitioner in 2009. In 2017 she qualified as a Chi Kung teacher (www.elementalchikung.com) enabling to further support her clients with their holistic health and wellbeing.

In 2021 Carole began to focus her studies and classes more on fluidity of body and connective tissue, in relation to chronic pain and mobility. She studied with Liz Koch (www.coreawareness.com) completing the Psoas Muscle application course in 2021 and also began her journey as a MELT Method instructor. Carole is now a Level 4 MELT METHOD practitioner (as of 2024) and focuses her chronic pain classes on either MELT Method and/or Fluid Chi Movement ( a combination of Chi Kung and the work of Liz Koch.


During many years of her own ill health, suffering symptoms from Stress, IBS and a final diagnosis of CFS (ME), Carole came to the Buteyko Method (BIM) and The Bowen Technique. She (along with her horse and her dog) experienced virtually every treatment and remedy known to man. Together they explored many holistic avenues searching for health, wellbeing and balance.

It was Carole’s horse who was very responsive to Bowen leading Carole to exploring it for herself. After qualifying as a Human and Canine Bowen Technique Practitioner and starting her practice, Carole’s appreciation and love of Bowen continues to deepen. Only by experiencing Bowen can you fully appreciate the incredible value of what this gentle, non-invasive soft tissue technique may offer you or your dog.

Her personal experiences have taught her so much, Carole loves fluid movement practices and working to support the body through fluidity of connective tissue, via Melt Method, Liz Koch practices, Chi Kung and Bowen. They offer much relief of symptoms and directs the body towards healing, improved balance and increased wellbeing. Carole also remains mindful of the value of correct breathing and knows that Buteyko can be an important element of recovery. To regain balance and overall wellbeing, many aspects of a person’s lifestyle and ‘being’, play a role in this journey.

A holistic lifestyle and working with the best varied tools to support health and wellbeing has become more and more important in Carole’s practice. In her search for safe, mindful movement exercise and mental wellbeing she found Chi Kung, enabling her clients to have their own tools/understanding of the safe, gentle movement exercise that is Chi Kung, which she now combines with the work of Liz Koch, deepening the quality of change within as well as the accessibility of movement to those living with chronic pain and complex health conditions.

Carole is authorised to teach Canine Bowen Technique by EGCBT and she has travelled all over the UK and abroad in her role as a Canine Bowen Technique Practitioner teacher. She has recently stood down as chair of Canine Bowen Technique Association (CBTA) enabling her to focus on her work with Spring Social Prescribing. She continues to be actively involved with the MELT method community and revisits the work of Liz Koch each year to continue to deepen the level of understanding to share with her clients. She continues to be a member of CBTA as well as a member of the Bowen Association UK.

“It is so important to take time for yourself and find clarity. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.”
Diane Von Furstenberg