Your Well Life: Safeguarding Adults Policy

Updated policy – 04.03.24

Policy Owner: Carole Justice Gray – BAOBAB – Trading as ‘Your Well Life’ Date Policy approved: 04.03.24
Next review Date: 04.03.24
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Carole Justice Gray

Mission Statement/Introduction

‘Your Well Life’, clinic and group classes, focus practice on fluidity of body and connective tissue, in relation to affecting change for those living with chronic pain and limited mobility. Exploring ways to create GENTLE change which directs the body towards healing, improved balance and increased overall wellbeing.

Policy statement

‘Your Well Life’ believes everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of age, ability or disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status.


This policy applies to anyone who comes into contact with, attends talks, or classes presented by or who works with Carole Justice Gray and anyone connected to ‘Your Well Life’.


This policy aims to cover:
• The legislation, our commitment and procedures for safeguarding adults. • Our role and responsibility for safeguarding adults.
• What to do or who to speak to if someone has a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an adult within the business.


• Your Well Life is currently a Sole Trading business, and as such Carole Justice Gray would be the designated safeguarding lead
• The policy is available both on Your Well Life website and on request • have a code of conduct when delivering a service
• have a commitment to ensuring that adult safety Is included in risk assessments

Legislation – what is adult safeguarding?

Key Legislation:
Sexual Offenses Act 2023 – Mental Capacity Act 2005 –
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 –
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards replaced by Liberty Protection Safeguards Leglislation – amendment-act-2019-liberty-protection-safeguards-lps
Disclosure & Barring Service 2013 –
The Care Act 2014 – Statutory Guidance – and-support-statutory-guidance


Safeguarding Concern

• identification of abuse or neglect
• immediate safety needs are meet
• concern is referred into the local safeguarding process

Concern Decision-Making

• check actions taken to address immediate risks
• checks made and additional information gathered
• share information
• provision of information and advice
• decision made whether Care Act s42 Duty of Enquiry triggered

Safeguarding Enquiry

• gain views, consent and desired outcomes of adult
• duty to refer to advocate if required (Care Act s68)
• agree what enquiries are needed and who will do this
• risk assess and plan interim safeguarding plan
• make enquiries or cause them to be made
• identify what actions should be taken in the adults case
• the enquiries made and actions taken are lawful and proportionate

Safeguarding Plan

• plan is person centred and outcome focused
• plan is proportionate and least restrictive
• timescales for review and monitoring of plan are agreed
• all involved are clear about their roles and responsibilities

Key Contact Details

‘Your Well Life’ Lead Safeguarding Officer – Carole Justice Gray
[email protected]
Mobile: 07535 980007

Raising and Managing a Concern

• Anyone can share safeguarding concerns with Carole Justice Gray e.g. in person, email, phone
• With any initial contact please state that this is a safeguarding concern, to ensure prompt response made in a confidential/appropriate environment.


In an emergency call 999 for Ambulance or Police.
Alternatively, as ‘Your Well Life’ is one person, if you came to ‘Your Well Life’ via another organisation, please report to the following:
Report to your contact within said organisation e.g. Spring Social Prescribing, MIND Northamptonshire, Age UK Northamptonshire.

Recording and Information Sharing

Please see alternative policies on website for GDPR and Data protection

Sources of Information and Support

North Northamptonshire Safeguarding

West Northamptonshire Safeguarding Information

Northamptonshire Safeguarding Adults Board

Action on Elder Abuse

A national organisation based in London. It aims to prevent the abuse of older people by raising awareness, encouraging education, promoting research and collecting and disseminating information.
Tel: 020 8765 7000
Email: [email protected]

Ann Craft Trust

A national organisation providing information and advice about adult safeguarding. The Ann Craft Trust has a specialist Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity team to support the sector Tel: 0115 951 5400
Email: [email protected]

Men’s Advice Line

For male domestic abuse survivors
Tel: 0808 801 0327

National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline

Tel: 0800 999 5428

National 24Hour Freephone Domestic Abuse Helplines


Tel: 0808 2000 247 us

Northern Ireland

Tel: 0808 802 1414


Tel: 0800 027 1234
Email: [email protected]
Web chat:


Llinell Gymorth Byw HebOfn/ Live free from fear helpline
Tel: 0808 8010 800
Type Talk: 18001 0808 801 0800
Text: 078600 77 333

Rape Crisis Federation of England and Wales

Rape Crisis was launched in 1996 and exists to provide a range of facilities and resources to enable the continuance and development of Rape Crisis Groups throughout Wales and England. Email: [email protected]


Respond provides a range of services to victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse who have learning disabilities, and training and support to those working with them.
Tel: 020 7383 0700 or
0808 808 0700 (Helpline)
Email: [email protected]

Stop Hate Crime

Works to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity. Stop Hate UK provides independent, confidential and accessible reporting and support for victims, witnesses and third parties.
24 hours service:
Telephone: 0800 138 1625
Web Chat:
E mail: [email protected]
Text: 07717 989 025
Text relay: 18001 0800 138 1625
By post: PO Box 851, Leeds LS1 9QS

Susy Lamplugh Trust

The Trust is a leading authority on personal safety. Its role is to minimise the damage caused to individuals and to society by aggression in all its forms – physical, verbal and psychological. Tel: 020 83921839
Fax: 020 8392 1830
Email: [email protected]

Victim Support

Provides practical advice and help, emotional support and reassurance to those who have suffered the effects of a crime.
Tel: 0808 168 9111

Women’s Aid Federation of England and Wales

Women’s Aid is a national domestic violence charity. It also runs a domestic violence online help service.


Centre for Social Work
University of Nottingham
0115 951 5400
[email protected]

Everyone has a right to be treated with respect and dignity. Everyone deserves to be safe.
Registered Charity No. 1086592 Company Limited by Guarantee No. 4080805